Thursday, May 8, 2014

I Couldn't Agree More

      I recently read a post from Raymond Waddell titled, How the Legalization of Marijuana Could Make Texas Billions. It is very refreshing to see the support for the legalization of marijuana gaining some momentum in Texas. I am in complete agreement with Raymond on this issue. The ignorance for this issue seems to be very high here in Texas, so it's great to see intelligent people debating this topic.
      Raymond makes several strong arguments in his piece on the legalization of marijuana and I believe that some of these points will be the reasons that Texas becomes a legal state. It is no secret that Texas is very low in the nation in K-12 education and the revenue generated by legalizing marijuana would give Texas the funds to focus on improving K-12 education. The money generated by this could be extremely helpful for the Texas economy, not only would this make Texas millions possibly billions in 5 years but it would also create a substantial amount of jobs for the unemployed Texans. Another financial benefit Raymond mentions is the money that would be saved by releasing the large number of inmates in Texas that are in jail for growing, selling, or possessing marijuana. This is about 20,000 tax dollar for each one of those inmates.
      Near the end of Raymond's post, he mentions some of the medicinal benefits of legalizing marijuana. I think this is another reason that this issue is gaining such momentum in Texas right now. One point raised by Raymond is that marijuana is much safer than anything else available today such as prescribed painkiller or alcohol. Texas needs more well educated, informed, and intelligent people debating over this issue. The myths about marijuana making people violent, lazy, or even overdose need to be dispelled.

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